Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Get peer device's IP address

One of the major problems that face peoples when trying to connect to another device is
that they don't know the IP address of the peer end. This problem is Faced mostly by
engineer or technician on site, especially for those who integrate a reuse devices.

In this article I will explain, in an easy way, how we can use a simple tool to find the peer
IP address and I will illustrate that with pictures.

To do so, we will need to use "Navigator" which is a tool that allow you to conncet via 
TELNET, but for us we will use a simple function embedded on it to get simply the peer end IP.

You can download "Navigator" Here.

To begin you need to unzip the file, then open the folder and go to Navigator.exe 

Double Click and the tool will Open.

Automatically the window "New Connection" will open if not you can click on the button 
"Connect" UP on the left.

In the "New Connection " window the system show your IP address in "Local IP Address"
and the peer IP address will be shown on "NE IP Address".

IF the "NE IP address" is Blank please check that you are connected to the peer device
and that the LED of the network Card are ON and then click on the Button "Search".

It is to mention that it is not necessary that you Laptop and the peer end device are on the 
same network. 

You can download Navigator 6.2 Here.